MSTA activates Rapid Response program for first time in 2021 session, Legislation to change accreditation moves to House floor, House Elementary and Secondary Education holds hearing on two open...
The Missouri House could soon debate HB349 (Christofanelli) that would have a detrimental impact on public education. Your action on this harmful legislation is needed to ensure Missouri...
Voucher bills continue to be pushed in both the Senate and House, Legislators hear vaccine
distribution update, Senate committee considers changes to virtual education, Bill Summaries, and more...
Governor Parson delivers State of the State Address, Governor proposes FY22 budget, Governor Parson creates Office of Childhood, and more in this week s MSTA Action.
MSTA requests educators receive priority status in vaccine schedule
The Missouri State Teachers Association sent the following letter to the Department of Health and Senior Services requesting teachers move to Phase 1B of the COVID-19 vaccination schedule.
Ballots have been mailed to all PSRS/PEERS members for the election for two positions on the Public School Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri Board of Trustees.
Recently, Missouri State Teachers Association Executive Director, Bruce Moe sent the Missouri State Board of Education a letter outlining MSTA s position on statewide assessments in the 2020-21...
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