Legislators spend the majority of their day in meetings, visiting with lobbyists, constituents, and bureaucrats. Usually the rest of their time is spent in the legislative chamber or in committee meetings discussing proposed bills or working on the state’s budget.
Please introduce yourself, even if you have met before. Your representative and senator have met a lot of people in their political careers and they will appreciate your courtesy. Identify yourself as a constituent and member of MSTA. Make sure to tell them where and what you teach.
Many legislators will jump at the chance to give you their thoughts and opinions, while some will want to listen to your knowledge and experience on certain issues.
Don’t assume an adversarial stance with a legislator. While you might not agree on some issues, it is important that there is always the possibility for respectful dialogue in the future.
If your legislator is not available, don’t overlook the opportunity to speak with a staff member. Be sure to leave your name and the name of your school district so they know you stopped by. Ask if there would be a better time to catch them during the day.
MSTA staff who work in the Capitol every day will be available to brief MSTA members and answer any questions during your visit.
• Gather input from fellow MSTA members about critical issues and plan your discussion before arriving.
• Contact your legislators’ offices before your visit to schedule a time to meet while you are at the Capitol.
While legislators and staff will be in business formal attire, it is perfectly acceptable and responsible to wear business casual while visiting your state Capitol. Expect a lot of walking on marble floors, so wear comfortable shoes.
Limited public parking in lots 12, 13, 14 (yellow) and
pay parking at the city garage (green) 201 Madison St. Jefferson City MO 65101.
Keep current on issues by reading the MSTA Action, the legislative bulletin of MSTA, available every Friday during the legislative session.
Invite your legislator to speak to your CTA or even better, ask him or her to observe or read to a class.
Remember to give feedback from your interaction with your legislator to MSTA’s Education Policy Department.
MSTA Action
MSTF provides HOPE after March tornados
March 26, 2025
March 20, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 7, 2025
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