There have been a lot of media reports related to the CDC making changes to its quarantine guidance recently, but we wanted make sure everyone was aware of what actually changed here. The #1 thing...
The Missouri State Teachers Foundation named its November classroom grant winners. All MSTA members are eligible to apply for a classroom grant from MSTF. This month s honorees include: Tammy...
MSTA recommends school districts develop local procedures for quarantine guidance
Redefining close contacts to mitigate the need to quarantine isn t a safety measure, it s semantics, says Missouri State Teachers Association (MSTA) Executive Director, Bruce Moe. This new...
MSTA elects new state officers in Virtual Assembly of Delegates
Members of the Missouri State Teachers Association selected the newest statewide officers during the 2020 Assembly of Delegates, held virtually on Sat., Nov. 7.
The MSTA Impact Committee met this month to discuss the upcoming general election of Missouri State Representatives and State Senators on Sept. 19. The committee is made of one member from each of...
MSTA Congratulates Executive Director Steve Yoakum on Retirement
The Missouri State Teachers Association congratulates Executive Director Steve Yoakum on his announced retirement from the Public School amp; Education Employee Retirement Systems.
MSTA member Misty Grandel was part of a workgroup that helped DESE develop online learning modules for Missouri teachers to learn best practices for distance learning. She discusses these resources in an interview with Deana Layton.
MSTA Member Named Finalist for 2021 Missouri Teacher of the Year
Congratulations, MSTA member Rebecca Wynne! The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has announced that seven educators have advanced as finalists for the 2021 Missouri Teacher...
MSTA says exempting teachers from quarantine requirements is irresponsible
The result of listing teachers alongside nurses and police officers is that they could be exempt from quarantine recommendations outlined by the CDC and a district could require them to remain in...
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