4 MSTA Members Named 2021 Missouri Teacher of the Year Semifinalists
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has released the names of 15 semifinalists for the 2021 Missouri Teacher of the Year, 4 of which are current MSTA members.
As schools continue to release and tweak their back-to-school plans, we re getting a lot of insightful questions. Teachers are thinking about the safety and security of staff, students, and the...
14 policy modifications to help school districts implement protections and protocols
As school districts across the state finalize plans to return to school in the fall, there are still a number of unanswered questions surrounding how districts plan to operate. MSTA has identified...
Missouri Primary Election is August 4 th , please support MSTA Impact endorsed candidates. The MSTA Legislative Impact Committee works hard to evaluate candidates that will support public...
MSTA calls on governor to ensure protection for teachers
The Missouri State Teachers Association is asking Gov. Mike Parson to direct the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to pass an emergency rule to protect Missouri s teachers.
MSTA strongly believes all students and educators have a right to a safe school environment. MSTA believes that school districts should inform the entire school building staff if an individual in...
Earlier we published information regarding political speech in the classroom. While that article pointed out that the district s ability to limit your political speech does not extend beyond the...
MSTA believes forcing district employees to sign liability waivers for COVID-19 exposure in the workplace is unconscionable and unreasonable. Such clauses between employers and employees are...
The State Board of Education adopted an emergency rule this week and proposed a rule through the normal order of rulemaking to address attendance hour reporting and requirements.
COVID-19 survey results: MSTA members share opinions and concerns about the 2020-21 school year.
In an effort to gather information from our members reflecting on the 2019-20 school year and looking forward to the 2020-21 school year, MSTA sent out the survey with questions about the effect...
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