by Nate Dycus, Farmington R-3 Allow me to introduce you to a student named Josh. His name has been changed for the sake of this article. Josh walks into the school, heads to the cafeteria, eats...
Author and speaker Simon Sinek said, It all starts with WHY. People don t care what you do or how you do something, until they understand WHY you do something. Loving Weller, Building Scholars...
Looking for a few nature-focused science activities to do with your students? Because native plants offer a wide range of benefits, including pollinators like insects and birds, the Missouri...
Get Involved with MSTA Professional Learning Opportunities
Mini-Course Series Available in Teachable In addition to the online courses already available to members at no cost at all, MSTA now offers a new Mini-Course Series. The Mini-Course Series...
The Missouri State Teachers Foundation awards grants to teachers monthly, and all MSTA members are eligible to apply. Here are a few ways previous grant winners have utilized their funds: Stacey...
I m not a teacher, but I play one on TV… A new course at Illinois State University asks students to examine education issues through the lens of pop culture, specifically the TV show Abbott...
BY PAM CLIFTON, WEST ST. FRANCOIS CO. R-4 Michael is a recent college graduate. His impressive resume includes many accomplishments: a bachelor s degree in accounting, extensive computer software...
After teaching math for 20 years at Grandview High School, Don Sutcliffe retired from his position at the end of last year. He has been a member of MSTA since his first year at Grandview in 2001...
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