Lindsay James, Creative Media Specialist

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For the past three years, I have had the pleasure of editing and contributing to School & Community magazine. While past editors like the wonderful Sarah Kohnle, Letha Albright and Inks Franklin managed this publication for over 110 years, I am excited to help lead the charge into a new era. My connection with this magazine dates back to high school when I was featured in its pages alongside my journalism adviser, who received a prestigious award. As an eighteen-year-old budding journalist, it was thrilling to see my face in print! Little did I know that one day, I would be producing the same magazine.

Creating School & Community has been more than a professional responsibility - it is a labor of love. There is something uniquely satisfying about holding a tangible product of my work and seeing the stories I have crafted come to life. Our team captures the essence of Missouri’s educational communities and the remarkable individuals who make them special. We take pride in sharing stories of triumph, resilience and innovation, aiming to inform our readers and give teachers a voice.

As we transition from print to a digital format, these values will remain true. While I will miss the tactile pleasure of the printed magazine, I am excited about the opportunities ahead. The digital format allows us to reach a broader audience and tell our stories in more dynamic, innovative ways. It offers the chance to incorporate multimedia elements, interactive features and real-time updates, making the storytelling experience more immersive.

When I travel across Missouri to gather content, I often return with an SD card full of exciting video clips that capture the personalities of our members and their day-to-day lives. Unfortunately, many of these never reach the public due to the constraints of the printed format and the deadlines required therein. This transition to digital marks a new era for School & Community magazine which aligns with the evolving media landscape and will allow for unrestricted growth as new tools become available.

I am eager to explore my creative potential as we develop stories featuring audio, immersive scrolling, engaging videos, AI and more. When I earned my degree in Digital Storytelling from Mizzou, I envisioned and hoped for future opportunities like this to push the boundaries of narrative innovation. Please join me in embracing this change so we may continue sharing stories that matter and utilize the full potential of digital media. I am excited to allocate more of my time and energy toward crafting compelling narratives that resonate in this new format. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like us to share a story that is special to you or your district. We are always down for a road trip or virtual collaboration!