MSTA is honored to recognize Colin Pettegrew as one of 15 members who were named 2022 Regional Teachers of the Year by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Committees comprised of education peers and key stakeholders from each Regional Professional Development Center (RPDC) in Missouri selected the 2022 Regional Teachers of the Year.
About Colin
School building: Robidoux Middle School
District: St. Joseph School District
Grade level: 8th grade
Subject: Mathematics
Number of years teaching: 9 years
If I asked your colleagues, what would they say about you? My hope is that my colleagues would say I am passionate about teaching and learning and worked hard to help my students learn and enjoy math.
What makes you eager to start a new semester or new year? Getting to meet all my students! There is always a lot of energy and excitement in the building on the first day of school.
Looking back, what advice would you give to yourself as a first-year teacher? Don’t be afraid to ask for help and seek every opportunity to collaborate with and learn from others.
What is the best piece of advice another teacher has given to you? Never stop learning and growing.
What new hobby or activity have you tried lately? Playing golf with my son.