The MSTA Impact Committee has made endorsements for the upcoming general election of Missouri State Representatives and State Senators on November 8, 2022. The committee is made of one member from each of MSTA’s 10 regions. They review candidate surveys and incumbent voting records, as well as the outcome of interviews conducted by MSTA members with candidates. After examining the available information, the committee made their endorsements. The candidates on this list have demonstrated their support for public schools and teachers. Please remember to vote on November 8, 2022 and support these MSTA Impact endorsed candidates.


  1. Karla May

12  Rusty Black       

14  Brian Williams

16   Justin Brown

24  Tracy McCreery

28  Sandy Crawford

30  Lincoln Hough

  1.  Jeff Farnan
  1.  Danny Busick
  2.  Greg Sharpe

7    Peggy McGaugh

9    Dean VanSchoiack

10  Bill Falkner

11  Brenda Shields

14  Ashley Aune

15  Maggie Nurrenbern

16  Chris Brown

17  Mark Ellebracht

18    Eric Woods

19  Ingrid Burnett

21  Robert Sauls

22  Yolanda Young

24  Emily Weber

25  Patty Lewis

27  Richard Brown

28  Jerome Barnes

29  Aaron Crossley

34  Kemp Strickler

35  Keri Ingle

41  Doyle Justus

45  Kathy Steinhoff

46  David Tyson Smith

50  Douglas Mann

52  Brad Pollitt

53  Terry Thompson

54  Dan Houx

57  Rodger Reedy

58  Willard Haley

59  Rudy Veit

61  Bruce Sassmann

66  Marlene Terry

68  Jay Mosley

70  Gretchen Bangert

71  LaDonna Appelbaum

72  Doug Clemens

73  Raychel Proudie

80  Peter Merideth

81  Steve Butz

83  Sarah Unsicker

87  Paula Brown

90  Barbara Phifer

91  Jo Doll

93  Bridget Walsh Moore

95  Ann Zimpfer

98  Deb Lavender   

99  Ian Mackey

105  Cindy Berne

107  Tracy Grundy

113 Phil Amato

116  Dale Wright

117  Mike Henderson

118  Sally Brooks

119  Brad Banderman

120  Ron Copeland

122 Lisa McCarthy

125 Dane Diehl

126  Jim Kalberloh

127  Ann Kelley

129  John Black

132  Crystal Quade

135  Betsy Fogle

142  Jeff Knight

143  Bennie Cook

145  Rick Francis

148  Jamie Burger

149  Donnie Brown

150 Cameron Parker

151  Herman Morse

153  Darrell Atchison

155  Travis Smith

161  Lane Roberts

162  Bob Bromley