Pam Lowe
President/Southeast Region

Sikeston R-6

Amy Kelsey
President Elect/Northwest Region

East Buchanan Co C-I

Lana Moore
Vice President/Southwest Region

Mt. Vernon R-V

Andrew Reynolds
Treasurer/Northeast Region

Centralia R-VI

Stacy Blakley
Past President/South Central Region

St. James R-I

Dana Cravens
Central Region

Richmond R-XVI

Kezia Bohanon
Greater Kansas City Region

North Kansas City 74

James Kreyling
Greater St. Louis Region

Mehlville R-IX

Noelle Horner
Jefferson County Region

Hillsboro R-III

Jessica Tierney
Northeast Region

Columbia 93

Darren Farmer
Northwest Region

Polo R-VII

Karmen Carson
Southeast Region

Poplar Bluff R-I

Tyler Lappe
Southeast Region

Cape Girardeau 63

Diane Gonzales
Southwest Region

Neosho R-V

Tisha Clawson
Southwest Region

Bolivar R-I

Denise Peters
St Joseph Region

St. Joseph

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