Salary and Research


MSTA’s skilled finance consultants are experts in school finance — each with more than 30 years of experience in working with school budgets, the foundation formula, school boards and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

MSTA’s finance consultants can tell you exactly what the financial condition of your school district is. Our experts will take you beyond the raw numbers and show you what it all means. They can provide a CTA with:

  • An assessment of new revenue available for salary and fringe benefit enhancement.
  • Suggested ways in which district revenue can be increased.
  • Ways to cut expenditures without sacrificing programs and salaries.
  • Recommended fund balances and ways to reduce excessive fund balances.

School Finance Workshops

MSTA offers in-person and online school finance workshops across the state. At this workshop, you will receive a financial analysis specific to your school district. Our consultant will give a presentation on legislative issues, state budget issues, and a quick overview of how to use your financial analysis. After the presentation, the presenter will take the time to discuss this document with you individually at in-person workshops. Those that attend online events will have the opportunity for this at a later time if requested.

Our hope is that this helps your CTA have the information to be successful in working with your district.

It is important to register early so MSTA staff has the time to prepare your analysis. Registration ends one week prior to each event.

Salary and Benefits Report

This invaluable publication summarizes the salary schedule practices of Missouri schools — district by district. It also includes financial facts about Missouri schools, with information on teacher salaries, tax levies, student data and much more.

Contact with any questions.


Salary Videos

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Set your region by specifying your Missouri school district. This does not affect your actual region associated with your MSTA membership. This only sets your region while you browse the MSTA website.

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