2025 Leadership Conference Descriptions
SESSION 1: MONDAY (1:30-2:15)
CTA and CO (Central Office) (Communication)
This session will focus on communicating with your district administration and school board to make your CTA the best it can be. Time will be spent talking about recruiting members when your district doesn't participate in payroll deduction.
Presented by Pam Lowe, Sikeston CTA and Past MSTA State President
Leading Large CTAs: Strategies for Success in Big Districts (Time Management)
This session will be geared toward larger CTA leaders on ways that have worked for a large district in managing and thriving as a large CTA. This session will focus on how tasks can be divided among leaders and developing a year long plan.
Presented by Rebecca Shipley, Lee’s Summit CTA
Make It Take It (Membership Recruitment and Engagement)
Wondering how you can catch and lure in new members? Forget about telling “the one that got away” story and join us for a fun-filled Make-N-Take session as we cast out new ideas together that will hook and keep those MSTA/CTA members. You will walk away with a school of examples you can use immediately that won’t break the bank. Once the bait is set, you can open up those lines of communication and reel them in! So come join in the fun with your “buddies”, cast some lines, and walk away with a tackle box full of fresh ideas!
Presented by Michelle Krog and Calli Larson, Slater CTA
Plan and Grow Your CTA (Membership Recruitment geared for large schools)
This session will focus on tips to plan your recruitment process for the entire school year ,ideas for recruiting, renewals, and other helpful tips.
Presented by Amy Phillips, Lee’s Summit CTA
Professional Rights and Responsibilities of Educators (Leadership)
Public school employees need to be aware of the federal and state laws that dictate how they perform their job and how they interact with their employer. Presented in layman’s terms, this legal presentation is your crash course to the most important aspects of education law. Attendees will learn the most important do's and don'ts of public-school employment from real-world examples.
Presented by Scott Smith, MSTA Staff Attorney
Pump Up Your District Membership (Membership Recruitment geared for medium size CTAs)
In this session members will learn some new strategies to increase their membership, as well as how to organize their membership drive. Fort Osage has added new steps in recruiting and maintaining members. Our membership coordinator has a great system that makes the beginning of the year easy on building reps and those needing to renew or sign up.
Presented by Jaclyn Adams and Kristy Zorn, Fort Osage CTA
Taking your CTA from Zero to Hero (Engagement geared for small CTAs)
Our CTA was non-existent, until we decided to take action, make some changes, and bring our organization back to life. We wanted our organization to support, motivate, and appreciate the faculty and staff in our district, and to create a positive environment for all involved. Throughout the last year, our 36 member CTA was able to implement many new activities. These activities could work in most districts. Join us as we share our journey moving from a lifeless organization to an active organization with engaged members and walk away from our presentation with a blueprint to revitalize your own CTA. “Our CTA Journey - from Zero to Hero!”.
Presented by Jennifer Hays and Samantha Woosley, Ralls County CTA
Small Town CTA (Engagement geared for very small schools)
We are a small school with a very successful CTA. It has not always been that way at Kelso C-7, but we have worked hard to increase membership and celebrate our people. From membership incentive drawings to monthly appreciation activities, we keep our CTA members excited and engaged. This makes our school culture and climate a great place to work. We have used several small initiatives to create a well-rounded organization. These include incorporating our flower fund into CTA dues, attending MSTA events and sharing information to keep members informed of important legislative decisions, to creating a partnership with our PTO to provide monthly appreciation surprises to staff. From food trucks to self-care carts and everything in between we do what we can to make our people feel special and appreciated. We always finish the year strong with an AMAZING Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week!
Presented by Jaime Burger and Michaella Gantz, Kelso C-7 CTA
The Job Alike session will provide an opportunity for experienced and new leaders with similar roles and responsibilities from different schools to get together to share best practices, ask questions, discuss common issues/challenges, and share strategies, techniques, and solutions. Participants will choose the session based on their role in their CTA.
SESSION 3:TUESDAY (8:00-8:45)
Information for Treasurers (Leadership)
This session will provide CTA treasurers the information they need to be successful in their role, including the filing and maintenance of required tax and bank documents.
Presented by Gail McCray, MSTA Legal Counsel
Leading Large CTAs: Strategies for Success in Big Districts (Time Management)
This session will be geared toward larger CTA leaders on ways that have worked for a large district in managing and thriving as a large CTA. This session will focus on how tasks can be divided among leaders and developing a year long plan.
Presented by Rebecca Shipley, Lee’s Summit CTA
Make It Take It (Membership Recruitment and Engagement)
Wondering how you can catch and lure in new members? Forget about telling “the one that got away” story and join us for a fun-filled Make-N-Take session as we cast out new ideas together that will hook and keep those MSTA/CTA members. You will walk away with a school of examples you can use immediately that won’t break the bank. Once the bait is set, you can open up those lines of communication and reel them in! So come join in the fun with your “buddies”, cast some lines, and walk away with a tackle box full of fresh ideas!
Presented by Michelle Krog and Calli Larson, Slater CTA
Mastering Membership Management: Unlocking the Power of Google Sheets (Technology)
CTA Membership can be overwhelming for district with several buildings and large membership. I would like to share what Rolla CTA does and uses to make this process a little smoother for building reps, the membership chair, payroll department and MSTA processing.
Presented by Sara Hedge, Rolla 31 CTA
Pump Up Your District Membership (Membership Recruitment geared for medium size CTAs)
In this session members will learn some new strategies to increase their membership, as well as how to organize their membership drive. Fort Osage has added new steps in recruiting and maintaining members. Our membership coordinator has a great system that makes the beginning of the year easy on building reps and those needing to renew or sign up.
Presented by Jaclyn Adams and Kristy Zorn, Fort Osage CTA
Reignite the Spark: Helping CTAs Inspire a TEAM: Teachers Engaged and Motivated (Engagement and Technology)
We will provide ideas on Member Incentives, Recognition & Appreciation, Morale Building Activities, Keeping Members Engaged, and Committee Involvement. Boasting an 80% membership involvement in a small, rural school we will present ideas and proven methods to recruit and maintain membership in your CTA.
Presented by Elizabeth Smart, Todd Smart, and Ashely Henderson, Cole Camp CTA
Small Town CTA (Engagement geared for very small schools)
We are a small school with a very successful CTA. It has not always been that way at Kelso C-7, but we have worked hard to increase membership and celebrate our people. From membership incentive drawings to monthly appreciation activities, we keep our CTA members excited and engaged. This makes our school culture and climate a great place to work. We have used several small initiatives to create a well-rounded organization. These include incorporating our flower fund into CTA dues, attending MSTA events and sharing information to keep members informed of important legislative decisions, to creating a partnership with our PTO to provide monthly appreciation surprises to staff. From food trucks to self-care carts and everything in between we do what we can to make our people feel special and appreciated. We always finish the year strong with an AMAZING Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week!
Presented by Jaime Burger and Michaella Gantz, Kelso C-7 CTA
Y.C.Y.A—Why Cover Your Assets (Leadership)
Whether your school appreciates it or not, you, the educator, are one of the biggest assets of the education community! This legal presentation will do a deep dive on how you can best protect yourself, AKA, cover your butt! If you're looking for an upbeat presentation with a musical twist, this is the place for you! We will look at how documentation, school administration directives, and other legal areas impact your career as a school employee. Join us to learn how to cover your assets!
Presented by Danielle Eldred, Jane O’Toole, and Scott Smith, MSTA Staff Attorneys
SESSION 4: TUESDAY (9:00-9:45)
CTA and CO (Central Office) (Communication)
This session will focus on communicating with your district administration and school board to make your CTA the best it can be. Time will be spent talking about recruiting members when your district doesn't participate in payroll deduction.
Presented by Pam Lowe, Sikeston CTA and Past MSTA State President
Leading Large CTAs: Strategies for Success in Big Districts (Time Management)
This session will be geared toward larger CTA leaders on ways that have worked for a large district in managing and thriving as a large CTA. This session will focus on how tasks can be divided among leaders and developing a year long plan.
Presented by Rebecca Shipley, Lee’s Summit CTA
Make It Take It (Membership Recruitment and Engagement)
Wondering how you can catch and lure in new members? Forget about telling “the one that got away” story and join us for a fun-filled Make-N-Take session as we cast out new ideas together that will hook and keep those MSTA/CTA members. You will walk away with a school of examples you can use immediately that won’t break the bank. Once the bait is set, you can open up those lines of communication and reel them in! So come join in the fun with your “buddies”, cast some lines, and walk away with a tackle box full of fresh ideas!
Presented by Michelle Krog and Calli Larson, Slater CTA
Mastering Membership Management: Unlocking the Power of Google Sheets (Technology)
CTA Membership can be overwhelming for district with several buildings and large membership. I would like to share what Rolla CTA does and uses to make this process a little smoother for building reps, the membership chair, payroll department and MSTA processing.
Presented by Sara Hedge, Rolla 31 CTA
Planning and Growing Your Membership (Membership Recruitment geared for large schools)
This session will focus on tips to plan your recruitment process for the entire school year ,ideas for recruiting, renewals, and other helpful tips.
Presented by Amy Phillips, Lee’s Summit CTA
Pump Up Your District Membership (Membership Recruitment geared for medium size CTAs)
In this session members will learn some new strategies to increase their membership, as well as how to organize their membership drive. Fort Osage has added new steps in recruiting and maintaining members. Our membership coordinator has a great system that makes the beginning of the year easy on building reps and those needing to renew or sign up.
Presented by Jaclyn Adams and Kristy Zorn, Fort Osage CTA
Taking your CTA from Zero to Hero (Engagement geared for small CTAs)
Our CTA was non-existent, until we decided to take action, make some changes, and bring our organization back to life. We wanted our organization to support, motivate, and appreciate the faculty and staff in our district, and to create a positive environment for all involved. Throughout the last year, our 36 member CTA was able to implement many new activities. These activities could work in most districts. Join us as we share our journey moving from a lifeless organization to an active organization with engaged members and walk away from our presentation with a blueprint to revitalize your own CTA. “Our CTA Journey - from Zero to Hero!”.
Presented by Jennifer Hays and Samantha Woosley, Ralls County CTA
Y.C.Y.A—Why Cover Your Assets (Leadership)
Whether your school appreciates it or not, you, the educator, are one of the biggest assets of the education community! This legal presentation will do a deep dive on how you can best protect yourself, AKA, cover your butt! If you're looking for an upbeat presentation with a musical twist, this is the place for you! We will look at how documentation, school administration directives, and other legal areas impact your career as a school employee. Join us to learn how to cover your assets!
Presented by Danielle Eldred, Jane O’Toole, and Scott Smith, MSTA Staff Attorneys